Here you can sample extracts from a number of Robert M. Ellis’s books. Please click the title to see the extract.

Migglism: A Beginner’s Guide to Middle Way Philosophy (2014)

The Christian Middle Way: The Case against Christian Belief but for
Christian Faith (Christian Alternative, 2018)

The Buddha’s Middle Way: Experiential Judgement in his Life and Teachings (Equinox, 2019)

The Thought of Sangharakshita: A Critical Assessment (Equinox, 2020)

Red Book, Middle Way: How Jung Parallels the Buddha’s Method for Human Integration (Equinox, 2020)

Archetypes in Religion and Beyond: A Theory of Human Inspiration and Integration (Equinox, 2022)

Absolutization: The Source of Dogma, Repression and Conflict (Equinox (2022)

Parables of the Middle Way (2015)

Truth on the Edge: A Brief Western Philosophy of the Middle Way (2009)

A New Buddhist Ethics (2006)

Theme and Variations (2011)