The Thought of Sangharakshita: to be published by Equinox
I’m pleased to announce that The Thought of Sangharakshita: A Critical Evaluation is to be published by Equinox (who will already be publishing The Buddha’s Middle Way this summer). This seems to be the first time that anyone has attempted a critical evaluation of the ideas of this innovative but controversial modern Buddhist leader. Please go to this page for more details about the forthcoming book.
2 Replies to “The Thought of Sangharakshita: to be published by Equinox”
Dear Robert
I am very much looking forward to reading this and hopefully discussing it with my Sangha colleagues at the Tri Ratna Buddhist centre in Bristol.
The timing is excellent as we have some space since Sangharakshita’s death and as a long-term ‘mitra’ within the Tri-ratna community I hope that your book will assist in my clarifying my mixed feelings about the movements founder.
It is encouraging that such experienced order members as Kulananda (Michael Chaskelson) , who I have done some studying with, have endorsed it, as I won’t be surprised if it is controversial in some quarters (nothing wrong with that of course!)
Best wishes
Thanks Tim